Hedgiiee (The Land Within Us)

Tell us more about yourself. What is your background?

I was born in a small town in the southern part of Mexico. I am from a long line of artists in my family from basket weavers, musicians, painters, illustrators, and others. I moved to Minnesota when I was 16. In High School I had the opportunity to be part of a drawing class and I loved it.  Since that day, I started sketching and later creating pieces with different mediums. In college, I learned ceramics, film/digital photography, 3d sculpture, creative writing, and illustration. I hold a Bachelors in Studio Arts and Marketing. 

How would you describe your art practice in three words?

It is Bold, Earthy, Disruptive

What is your favorite art medium to work with?

I really love to work on Illustration and Photography, but I am experimenting on other mediums too.

Please tell us about the artwork you are showing in The Land Within Us?

Two of the pieces that I am showing at the gallery are: 

Isolation: it presents the constant feelings during the pandemic. We are social beings and being away from everyone it is extremely hard to adapt. This piece is a digital collage from pictures I have been taking during this past year.  It resembles feelings and emotions experiencing and the constant thoughts during these past two years.

Lost in Culture: Presents the question of where do I fit in? Assimilation kicked hard and it was a challenge to learn a new language, a new way to express myself. This piece is a reminder to embrace the symbiosis of being part of two or more cultures at once.

Are you working on anything new that we should know about? What’s next?

Putting together a book of poetry and hopefully get back to school to get in a MFA program :D

Where can we find more of your artwork online?

Instagram: Hedgiiee


Grover Hogan (The Land Within Us)


Drew Arrieta (The Land Within Us)