Wild & Tame and Yulemart

A promotional image advertising two exhibitions. Wild and Tame curated by Marissa Wegner and Yulemart, a holiday market.

ID: a promo image that is split in two halves on a diagonal. The left side has a white background with an image of a mosaic cat stretching at the top. Below the cat are the words "Wild & Tame, an exhibition of animal life, curated by Marissa Wegner". The right side has a multicolored background with the words "Yulemart Holiday Market, handcrafted art and gifts". At the bottom text reads "Reception Nov 15, 6-8pm".

Fresh Eye Gallery presents Wild & Tame, curated by Marissa Wegner, and Yulemart, our annual holiday market. Both exhibitions will be on view from November 14th-December 22nd.

Wild & Tame Participating Artists

Ruth Amerman, Kat Corrigan, Ruth Cronje, Jay D. Sieler, Krystal Halford, Lydia Hansen, Andrew Hoeschen, Marcy Hokenson, Andrea Jankowski, Wendy Johnson, Hannah Jones, Rachel Klismith, Genenika Lamson, Jade Lent, Emilee Lund, Paul Macharia, Kari Maxwell, Adam Miller, Anneke Miller, Josiah O, Lena Osman, Eliza Ploghoft, Dylan Rogers, JobyLynn Sassily-James, Ollie Smith, Jenny Stice, Nicky Torkadeh, & Taylor Wald

Yulemart Participating Artists

Jackie Anderson, Gray Arel, Lisa Arnold, Molly Hayes Baril, Aleya Berry, Marrie Bottelson, Nansi Brown, Stacey Combs, Kat Corrigan, Danielle Day, Deja Day, Saber DeMare, Olive Earley, Lacey Eidem, Sab Finn, Chloe Geraty, Connie Graves, Morgan Hiscocks, Tracy Olson Johanson, Theodore Kidd, Anne Kramer, Genenika Lamson, Rachel Landsem, Nichelle Lasar, Kimberly Laudert, Emilee Lund, Paul Macharia, Layl McDill, Melanie Gomez Mejia, Emily Missaghi, Lynda Mullan, Diane Muse, Lynn Nguyen, Isaiah Okongo, Christen Pentek, Nathaniel Quenzer, Christopher Quiñones, Katie Reeves, Jes Reyes, Miranda Rosa, Lauren Roseberry, Stacie Sampson, JobyLynn Sassily-James, Jessica Shimek, Erin Smouse, Lauren Strom, Dorinda Tveit, Shannon Twohy, Marissa M Wegner, Lily Wenndt, Lila Westreich, Dawn Wing, Katherine Wittenberg, Allison Witzmann, Soon-Wai Wong


About Wild & Tame curator Marissa Wegner

A headshot of Marissa Wegner: a person wearing glasses with their hair in a ponytail. They are wearing a pink shirt.

ID: A headshot of Marissa Wegner: a person wearing glasses with their hair in a ponytail. They are wearing a pink shirt.

Marissa Wegner is a multidisciplinary artist with autism. Marissa began her arts career when she helped install a mosaic at the Trout Brook Nature Sanctuary in North Saint Paul. Marissa fell in love with the medium, and now creates her own mosaics that celebrate her appreciation for nature. In addition to these pieces, Marissa paints and practices various fiber art mediums. Marissa says this about her art: “I like doing mosaics because I can get what’s in my mind out into the world.” When not creating glass and tile mosaics, Marissa likes to garden, read, and spend time with her two cats.


The Skin Exhibit