Kayla Koerner (The Land Within Us)

Tell us more about yourself. What is your background?

I'm a reconnecting bi-racial + neurodivergent artist. I feel these two lenses in particular are the most influential aspects of myself that drive and shape my creations. I've been creating art ever since I've been able to hold a crayon.
How would you describe your art practice in three words?

Intuitive. Emotional. Cathartic.
What is your favorite art medium to work with?
I love working with gouache. It's the perfect balance between acrylic and watercolor paint!

Please tell us about the artwork you are showing in The Land Within Us?
The piece I submitted, titled 'Reincarnate', depicts an eyeball blooming within a flower. It was inspired around the shared belief system of reincarnation where your life's deeds determine where your next life takes place. I feel as though it is our sacred duty to protect the land that provides for us, but right now it is suffering. If, as a collective, we don't learn this lesson now and change our ways for the better, our fates could be bound to the very land we take for granted.

Are you working on anything new that we should know about? What’s next?
With spring fast approaching, I'm starting work on an outdoor garden project in hopes of inspiring more people to get out and tend the earth with their own hands. It's been an important and vital step in my own reconnection, and I hope to share that kind of peace with others.

Where can we find more of your artwork online?

On my Instagram @manoominbowl


Drew Arrieta (The Land Within Us)


Lynda Grafito (The Land Within Us)