ID: 1) A graphic advertising Yulemart broken into three sections with text at the top that reads "Yulemart." Below are three line drawings of blue snowflakes. The third section reads November 16-23, reception: Friday, November 17, 6-8 PM, Artist Made Gifts, Fresh Eye Gallery, 4238 Nicollet Ave MPLS. 2) A graphic advertising Fandom, featuring an illustration of Kevin iconic screaming face from Home Alone. Text reads “Fresh Eye Gallery Presents: Fandom, in conjunction with Yulemart, Reception Friday November 17, six to eight PM, on view November 16 to December 23” and the gallery’s address: “four two three eight Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis five five four zero nine”
Exhibition dates: November 16 - December 23
Reception: Friday, November 17, 6-8 PM
Fresh Eye Gallery presents two shows in one! Fandom, a group exhibition featuring fan art that showcases our fascination with celebrities, pop culture characters, actors, musicians, and more, was on display in conjunction with Yulemart, our annual holiday market with handmade art and gifts. Small artworks, gifts, candles, jewelry, and more were on display.
Participating Artists
Abby Kosberg, Adam Peeples, Addie Elling, allison anne, Amanda Webster, Amy Wilderson, Analeise Jarvi-Beamer, Andrea From and Raven Mae, Angel Wagner, Anna Lucia, atelier mamako, Becca David Artist, Ben DiNino, Chad Knutson, Chris Rackley, Christi Furnas, CL Martin, Colleen McLean, Denise Landry, Dorinda Tveit, Dylan Rogers, Emma Hansen, Emma Rezac, Erin Peña, Estelle Tronson, Geoffrey Welles, H Et al., Heather Humbert, Isa Pavon-Ortiz, Isaiah Okongo, Izzy Spiess, Jack Justice IX, Jes Reyes, Jodi Janz, Jordan Oliver, Josh Selvig, Justice, Jwrocki, Kait Bartlett, KaoLee Vang, Katie Blanchard, Katie Wittenberg, Kimberly A. Laudert, Kira Elasky, Kordula Coleman, Kyle AND, Kyrstin miller, Lacey Eidem, Lauren Strom, Lauren Walkling, Lila Westreich, Lindy Spurgeon, Madigan Cochran-Bjerke, Maria Linsday, Marissa Munley, Marissa Wegner, Marrie Bottelson, Mary Burwinkel, Mathis Edwards, Michayla Grbich, Mike Anderson, Natalie Novacek, Nathaniel Quenzer, Obsidian Pause Wearable Paper Art, Paige Schrachta, Renée Boynton, Riley Kleve, Robin Schwartzman, Sally Tennant, Samael Leopold-Sullivan, Sara Fowler, Shannon Twohy, Sketzel Art, Stace of Spades, Stacie Sampson, sumpf geist, The Art of A Prince, Tom D McLaughlin, Van Nguyen, Vicki Olson, Wendy Eggerman, and more
Featured Art: “Keep the Change Ya Filthy Animal” by Lacy Eidem and “Snowflakes” by Dylan Rogers