Until further notice, Fresh Eye Gallery will be open the following hours:

Thursday/Friday: 11am - 6pm | Saturday: 11am - 4pm

We intend to be open again on Sundays later this spring.

Now On View

ID: a graphic with a colorful mosaic piece, blocks of color, and text. The text reads “Spread Joy to the Maximum! Joy as an Act of Rebellion, January 9 to February 2, mosaic artist Lori Greene shares new kinetic mosaic sculptures as well as pieces by Fresh Eye artists focused on Joy, reception Friday, January 17, 6-8pm


Fresh Eye Gallery presents Spread Joy to the Maximum! Joy as an Act of Rebellion, an exhibition of mosaics by Lori Greene and artists from Fresh Eye Arts!

Joy as an Act of Rebellion was the theme of Lori’s latest project. She has been creating new work that focuses on playfulness and human connection through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. As part of this project, Lori hosted several workshops at Moasic on a Stick with artists from the Fresh Eye studio in St. Paul. Artwork from the workshops, along with new kinetic mosaic sculptures by Lori will be on view in Spread Joy to the Maximum!

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.